When your eyes are yellow, this symptom typically accompanies jaundice, and your skin may appear yellow or orange from built-up bilirubin when it does not pass through bile ducts properly. Regardless, you’ll notice that instead of a normal white sclera in your eyes, a yellowish pigment will appear. The symptoms associated with yellowness in the eyes vary based on why your eyes turn yellow in the first place. Ignoring these conditions can become life-threatening and lead to organ failure. Regardless of which of these organs or disorders causes jaundice, you should seek medical help right away. However, certain conditions can mean that they do not.Īny of the following conditions can play a role in causing jaundice: Your red blood cells should break down once they reach your liver. Compared to gallbladder and liver conditions, jaundice due to pancreatic issues is less common.

If it gets inflamed, infected, or obstructed, bilirubin can build up and create yellow eyes. Along with the bile duct, the duct from your pancreas leads to the small intestine. Your pancreas produces hormones and enzymes to aid in digestion and other body processes.

When your bile ducts cannot transport bile, it builds up, causing yellow eyes. If you have issues like gallstones, cysts, tumours, or cholecystitis (inflammation), these problems can block a bile duct. Your gallbladder contains bile from your liver, which allows you to digest fats, and connects to your liver through the bile ducts. These accumulated substances affect your liver so that it cannot do its job of removing bilirubin, and so your eyes and skin may turn yellow. You may also see yellowing of the eyes with Hemochromatosis, Wilson’s disease, and Porphyrias, which all cause a buildup of certain metals or other substances in the liver. Hepatitis B and C (A, D, and E can also cause this condition, but they are less common).Cirrhosis, or liver scarring, is one of the most common causes of liver dysfunction. Your liver breaks down red blood cells, and many types of liver disease can cause jaundice. Yellow eyes usually indicate an issue with one of the following: If you experience jaundice or yellow eyes, talk to your doctor about getting tests and treatment. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment formed in your liver, which means that it causes yellowed eyes and skin when it stays in your body. However, if your liver does not function properly, it can cause bilirubin to build up in your skin. Once the bilirubin reaches the liver, your liver should filter it out of your body through bile ducts so that faecal matter can expel it. Jaundice happens when haemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying component in your blood) breaks down into bilirubin. Yellowing of the eyes may indicate a serious medical condition like jaundice. Healthy Scleras (the whites of the eyes) are white. Your doctor can check your liver and run additional tests to get you the treatment you need. While jaundice can indicate built-up bilirubin (a yellowish substance in your blood) in the liver, it may signal other conditions that require medical attention. When you think of yellow eyes and skin, you might panic at the thought of jaundice.